
New walking dead game for xbox one
New walking dead game for xbox one


This review would be too long if I talked about every issue, but SOME of the main issues are up there. Easy choices and deaths don't affect you because there is not enough character development and the game just pushes you forwards without any chance to talk to characters like in Season 1 (and even S2).


We played as Clementine in Season 2 and shaped our Clementine, and now Clementine is a supporting character again plus her personality doesn't change at all depending on your choices last season. Her being in every bloody advertisement also doesn't help. All the false advertising pre-release doesn't help either. This isn't Clem's story, this is Javier's story - so this shouldn't even have Clem in it if Telltale wants to tell Javier's story so badly because she's just shoe-horned in and a side character. Short 60 minute episodes (and the awful story makes it even worse), Clementine is playable for 5 minutes per ep, false advertisting pre-release, this is Javier's story for whatever **** reason even though we never asked for this and just wanted a GOOD continuation of Clementine's story (but this is an ABYSMAL continuation - this shouldn't even be called S3), The story is awful, and Clem is just a side character shoe-horned in when she was pretty much the main character for the previous two seasons.


Rest in bloody peace: a series which once used to be great. Short 60 minute episodes (and the TL DR - Offensive to S1 and S2 players. And don't worry if you have missed all season's because you can pick diffrent *Spoiler alert* Clementine is now more bad ass than ever! Good Work Telltale! … ExpandĮste jogo certamente é o mais forte de todos os seus antecessores! Nele não só conhecemos personagens novos com uma história fantástica que Este jogo certamente é o mais forte de todos os seus antecessores! Nele não só conhecemos personagens novos com uma história fantástica que nos leva a conflitos familiares existentes muito antes da praga zumbi, como nos representa personagens já conhecidos de jogos anteriores muito mais maduros e fortalecidos pela praga zumbi! Novamente o jogo nos dá opções de como jogar o mesmo, mantendo a tendência já encontrada nos jogos anteriores, aonde o jogador toma decisões e as mesmas terão um impacto cedo ou tarde, posso destacar 2 delas que são destaque no game, construir um relacionamento com seu irmão, ou seguir seu coração pela mulher que você ama, e isso cria uma trama completamente secundária a todo aquele clima de sobrevivência, o jogo conta uma história que vai além de sobreviver, ele conta essa história enquanto você sobrevive, é de fato um game simples em sua essência porém tão completo em conteúdo, sua trama emociona o jogador, o deixa empolgado e até mesmo com raiva em certos momentos aonde se ocorre uma injustiça, de todo é um jogo mais que aprovado por mim e certamente com uma das tramais mais intensas que já experimentei em um jogo do seguimento! … Expand Graphics is a big improvement since the last season, the characters is more detailed then ever with their new engine. And A new feauture in the game is some kind of "backseat gaming" feauture were you and YOUR friends from a app can decide what to say which make it more fun when my mates were arguing about what to pick. And I am glad to say that I were invested in the new characters just as I am with Clementine. And this season we are introduced to new characters. Which is very surprising coming from telltale, which always had boring introductions so they later could make a good story. In the first 2 minutes you are in a room with a "Walker". Which is very surprising The Walking Dead: A New Frontier starts very strong.

new walking dead game for xbox one

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier starts very strong. In A New Frontier, players will discover what the world is like when civilisation begins to rebuild, and what sacrifices it will take to make society work again. We see her story through the eyes of Javier, a young man determined to find the family taken from him, and via playable flashbacks from Clem's past telling the story of how she came to be on a quest for vengeance. Continuing the emotionally powerful story-telling seen in Seasons One and Two, we return to one of gaming's most favoured characters - Clementine - a young girl who has grown up amid the horrors of the zombie apocalypse.

new walking dead game for xbox one new walking dead game for xbox one

Continuing the emotionally powerful story-telling seen in Seasons One and Two, we return to one of gaming's most favoured characters - Clementine - a young girl who has Telltale's award-winning and chart-dominating The Walking Dead series returns with its third season "A New Frontier".

  • Summary: Telltale's award-winning and chart-dominating The Walking Dead series returns with its third season "A New Frontier".

  • New walking dead game for xbox one